
Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker 5th Edition Wilk Test Bank

Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $35.00.

Test Bank for Sorrentino’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker 5th Edition by Mary J. Wilk, ISBN: 9780323711661, ISBN: 9780323809085, ISBN: 9780323709392


Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker 5th Edition Wilk Test Bank

Test Bank for Sorrentino’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker 5th Edition by Mary J. Wilk, ISBN: 9780323711661, ISBN: 9780323809085, ISBN: 9780323709392

Table of Contents
1. The Role and Responsibilities of the Support Worker
2. The Canadian Health Care System
3. Workplace Settings
4. Ethics
5. Legislation: The Client’s Rights and Your Rights

6. Health, Wellness, Illness, and Disability
7. Caring About Culture and Diversity
8. Managing Stress
9. Interpersonal Communication
10. Working With Others: Teamwork, Supervision, and Delegation

11. Working With Clients and Their Families
12. Abuse, Bullying, and Harassment Awareness
13. Starting Your Career
14. Body Mechanics
15. Exercise and Activity

16. Rehabilitation and Restorative Care
17. Personal Hygiene
18. Grooming and Dressing
19. Preventing Infection
20. Safety

21. Beds and Bed Making
22. Skin Care and Prevention of Wounds
23. Promoting Client Comfort, Pain Management, and Sleep
24. Measuring Height, Weight, and Vital Signs
25. Medical Terminology

26. Planning, Reporting, and Recording Client Care
27. Nutrition and Fluids
28. Enteral Nutrition and Intravenous Therapy
29. Urinary Elimination
30. Bowel Elimination

31. Growth and Development
32. Body Structure and Function
33. Common Diseases and Disorders
34. Hearing and Vision Disorders
35. Speech and Language Disorders

36. Developmental Disorders and Disabilities
37. Mental Health Disorders
38. Disorientation, Delirium, and Dementia
39. Promoting Oxygenation
40. Heat and Cold Applications

41. Caring for Mothers and Infants
42. Caring for the Young
43. Caring for Older Adults
44. Home Management
45. Medication Management

46. Working in Acute Care
47. End-of-Life Care