Essential Social Psychology 4th Edition By Crisp Test Bank
Test Bank for Essential Social Psychology 4th Edition By Richard J. Crisp, Rhiannon N. Turner, ISBN: 9781526402622, ISBN: 9781526402615
Chapter 1: History, Methods and Approaches
Chapter 2: Attribution
Chapter 3: Social Cognition
Chapter 4: Attitudes
Chapter 5: Social Influence
Chapter 6: Group Processes
Chapter 7: Self and Identity
Chapter 8: Prejudice
Chapter 9: Intergroup Relations
Chapter 10: Aggression
Chapter 11: Prosocial Behaviour
Chapter 12: Affiliation and Attraction
Chapter 13: Friendship and Love
Chapter 14: Applications
Test Bank
Chapter 1: History, methods and approaches
1. Who helped lay the foundations for modern social psychology?
a. Gordon Allport
b. Henri Tajfel
c. Richard Crisp
d. Auguste Comte
Ans: D
2. The first social psychology experiment is thought to have been conducted by ______.
a. Henri Tajfel
b. Gustav LeBon
c. Norman Triplett
d. Stanley Milgram
Ans: C
3. When were the first textbooks of social psychology published?
a. 1700s
b. 1800s
c. 1900s
d. 2000s
Ans: B
4. LaPierre’s 1934 attitudes study showed that ______.
a. attitudes do not always predict emotions
b. attitudes always predict behaviour
c. attitude always predicts emotions
d. attitudes do not always predict behaviour
Ans: D
5. Allport’s The Nature of Prejudice proposed ______.
a. the Contact Hypothesis
b. the Minimal Group Paradigm
c. the Theory of Planned Behaviour
d. the Common Ingroup Identity Model
Ans: A
6. Which of the following are types of data examined by social psychologists?
a. quantitative data
b. qualitative data
c. archival
d. all of these
Ans: D
7. Which of the following are research methodologies used by social psychologists?
a. response time methods
b. interviews
c. neuroscience
d. all of these
Ans: D
8. Archival data involves testing hypothesis by ______.
a. looking at existing data
b. reading newspapers
c. conducting interviews
d. conducting surveys
Ans: A
9. A correlational study involves ______.
a. manipulating a variable and seeing if it affects a dependent measure
b. reading newspapers
c. measuring two variables and seeing if they are related
d. conducting interviews
Ans: C
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