
Essentials of Radiographic Physics and Imaging 3rd Edition Johnston Test Bank

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Test Bank for Essentials of Radiographic Physics and Imaging 3rd Edition by James Johnston, Terri L. Fauber, ISBN: 9780323566681


Essentials of Radiographic Physics and Imaging 3rd Edition Johnston Test Bank

Test Bank for Essentials of Radiographic Physics and Imaging 3rd Edition by James Johnston, Terri L. Fauber, ISBN: 9780323566681

Table of Contents
1.Introduction to the Imaging Sciences

Section I: Principles of Radiation Physics
2.Structure of the Atom 3.Electromagnetic and Particulate Radiation 4.The X-Ray Circuit 5.The X-Ray Tube 6.X-Ray Production 7.X-Ray Interactions with Matter

Section II: Image Production and Evaluation
8.Image Production 9.Image Quality and Characteristics 10.Digital Image Receptors 11.Radiographic Exposure Technique 12.Scatter Control 13.Exposure Technique Selection 14.Film-Screen Imaging

Section III: Specialized Radiographic Equipment
15.Fluoroscopic Imaging 16.Additional Equipment 17.Computed Tomography

Chapter 01: Introduction to the Imaging Sciences
Johnston/Fauber: Essentials of Radiographic Physics and Imaging, 3rd Edition


1. X-rays were discovered
a. November 8, 1805
b. November 8, 1875
c. November 8, 1895
d. November 8, 1985

X-rays were discovered November 8, 1895.

2. Barium platinocyanide was the material in Dr. Roentgen’s laboratory that
a. covered the cathode ray tube
b. fluoresced when the cathode ray tube was energized
c. was used to produce the radiograph of Bertha Roentgen’s hand
d. protected the people in the room from the x-rays

A piece of cardboard covered with barium platinocyanide fluoresced when the tube was energized, leading to further investigation.

3. Wilhelm Roentgen’s lab was located in
a. Wurzburg
b. Zurich
c. Paris
d. Boston

Dr. Roentgen’s lab was located at the University of Wurzburg in Wurzburg, Germany.

4. The first radiograph produced by Dr. Roentgen was of
a. his own hand
b. his daughter’s hand
c. his son’s hand
d. his wife’s hand

The first radiograph was taken December 22, 1895, of his wife, Bertha’s, hand.

5. Exposure times for very early radiographs ranged from
a. 1 second to 5 seconds
b. 1 minute to 15 minutes
c. 20 minutes to 2 hours
d. 2 hours to 5 hours

Exposure times for early radiographs took from 20 minutes to 2 hours to produce an image

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