Ethical and Legal Issues in Canadian Nursing 4th Edition Keatings Test Bank
Test Bank for Ethical and Legal Issues in Canadian Nursing 4th Edition By Margaret Keatings, Adams Pamela, ISBN: 9781771721790, ISBN: 9781771721776
Table of Contents
1. An Introduction to the Ethics and the Law: A Perspective for Nurses
2. Ethical Theories: Their Meaning for Nursing
3. Guiding Ethical Decision Making: Resources for Nurses
4. The Canadian Legal System
5. Regulation of the Nursing Profession
6. Informed Consent: Rights and Obligations
7. The Nurse’s Legal Accountabilities: Professional Competence, Misconduct, Malpractice, and Nursing Documentation
8. Complexity at the End of Life: The Ethical and Legal Challenges
9. Ethical and Legal Issues Related to Advancing Science and Technology
10. Safeguarding Patient Rights
11. Perspectives on the Rights of Nurses
12. Ethical Issues in Leadership, the Organization, and Approaches to the Delivery of Care
Chapter 01: An Introduction to the Ethics and the Law: A Perspective for Nurses
Keatings: Ethical & Legal Issues in Canadian Nursing, 4th Edition
1. Which of the following mandates that nurses have a basic understanding of the Canadian legal system?
a. Provincial and federal nursing bodies
b. The Supreme Court of Canada
c. Provincial nursing labor unions
d. The Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act, 1990
A Correct! Provincial and territorial regulatory bodies, have certain requirements related to nurses’ knowledge/skill, which includes knowledge of the legal system.
B Incorrect—The Supreme Court, which is the final court of appeal in Canada, is not involved in the regulation of health care professionals.
C Incorrect—Labour unions do not focus on nursing standards and knowledge; rather, they represent the collective bargaining rights of nurses.
D Incorrect—This Act is relevant to nursing in that it regulates the prescribing, dispensing, and handling of drugs. It does not mandate the knowledge nurses require about the legal system.
DIF: Cognitive level: Comprehension
2. Identify one of the reasons why nurses need to have an understanding of ethics.
a. Nurses do not share the same perspectives regarding health care with other health care professionals.
b. Morality and care are at the heart of nursing practice.
c. Ethics provides a clear answer to nurses regarding the correct course of action.
d. Convincing family members of compassionate courses of action is best done by nurses.
A Incorrect—Professional values may be shared across multiple professions, and perspectives on issues may be similar. When views on an issue differ, then knowledge of ethics assists in clarifying and defending one’s position to others.
B Correct! One reason for nurses studying ethics is that morality and care are at the heart of nursing practice.
C Incorrect—Ethical theories can provide a framework for the exploration of the ethical questions and moral issues faced in health care. These theories guide how morality is understood within the sphere of nursing practice and the nurse–patient or nurse–client relationship. Ethical theories and frameworks can assist/guide nurses as they consider multiple options to choose the best or the least wrong course of action.
D Incorrect—Nurses as members of the health care team are in a strong position to support families. They respect the values and beliefs of clients and families and support them in decision making regarding the right course of action.
DIF: Cognitive level: Synthesis