
Food and the Nutrition Care Process 15th Edition Raymond Test Bank

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Test Bank for Krause and Mahan’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process 15th Edition by Janice L Raymond, Kelly Morrow, ISBN: 9780323711531, ISBN: 9780323636575


Food and the Nutrition Care Process 15th Edition Raymond Test Bank

Test Bank for Krause and Mahan’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process 15th Edition by Janice L Raymond, Kelly Morrow, ISBN: 9780323711531, ISBN: 9780323636575

Part I: Nutrition Assessment
1. Intake: Gastrointestinal Digestion, Absorption, and Excretion of Nutrients
2. Intake: Energy
3. Clinical: Water, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Balance
4. Intake: Assessment of Food and Nutrition-Related History
5. Clinical: Biochemical, Physical, and Functional Assessment
6. Clinical: Nutritional Genomics
7. Inflammation and the Pathophysiology of Chronic Disease
8. Behavioral-Environmental: The Individual in the Community

Part II: Nutrition Diagnosis and Intervention
9. Overview of Nutrition Diagnosis and Intervention
10. Food-Nutrient Delivery: Planning the Diet with Cultural Competency
11. Food-Nutrient Delivery: Bioactive Substances and Integrative Care
12. Food-Nutrient Delivery: Nutrition Support Methods
13. Education and Counseling: Behavioral Change

Part III: Nutrition in the Life Cycle
14. Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation
15. Nutrition in Infancy
16. Nutrition in Childhood
17. Nutrition in Adolescence
18. Nutrition in the Adult Years
19. Nutrition in Aging

Part IV: Nutrition for Weight Management
20. Nutrition for Weight Management
21. Nutrition in Eating Disorders
22. Nutrition in Exercise and Sports Performance23. Nutrition and Bone Health24. Nutrition for Oral and Dental Health

Part V: Medical Nutrition Therapy
25. MNT for Adverse Reactions to Food: Food Allergies and Intolerance
26. MNT for Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders
27. MNT for Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders
28. MNT for Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disorders
29. MNT for Diabetes Mellitus and Hypoglycemia of Nondiabetic Origin
30. MNT for Thyroid and Related Disorders31. MNT for Anemias
32. MNT for Cardiovascular Disease
33. MNT for Pulmonary Disease
34. MNT for Renal Disease
35. MNT for Cancer Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery
36. MNT for HIV and AIDS
37. MNT for Metabolic Stress: Sepsis, Trauma, Burns, and Surgery
38. MNT for Rheumatic Disorders
39. MNT for Neurologic Disorders
40. MNT for Psychiatric Conditions

Part VI: Pediatric Specialties
41. MNT for Low-Birth-Weight Infants
42. MNT for Genetic Metabolic Disorders
43. MNT for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities