Hematology in Practice 3rd Edition Ciesla Test Bank
Test Bank for Hematology in Practice 3rd Edition by Betty Ciesla, ISBN: 9780803668249 (Chapter 1 – 20)
Table of Contents
I. Basic Hematology Principles
1. Introduction to Hematology and Basic Laboratory Practice
2. From Hematopoiesis to the Complete Blood Count
3. Red Blood Cell Production, Function, and Relevant Red Blood Cell Morphology
4. Hemoglobin Function and Principles of Hemolysis
II. Red Blood Cell Disorders
5. The Microcytic Anemias
6. The Macrocytic Anemias
7. Normochromic Anemias: Biochemical, Membrane, and Miscellaneous Red Blood Cell Disorders
8. The Normochromic Anemias Caused by Hemoglobinopathies
III. White Blood Cell Disorders
9. Leukopoiesis, WBC Differential, and Lymphocyte Function
10. Abnormalities of White Blood Cells: Quantitative, Qualitative, and the Lipid Storage Diseases
11. Acute Leukemias
12. Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
13. Lymphoproliferative Disorders and Related Plasma Cell Disorders
14. The Myelodysplastic Syndromes
IV. Hemostasis and Disorders of Coagulation
15. Overview of Hemostasis and Platelet Physiology
16. Quantitative and Qualitative Platelet Disorders
17. Defects of Plasma Clotting Factors
18. Fibrinogen, Thrombin, and the Fibrinolytic System
19. Introduction to Thrombosis and Anticoagulant Therapy
V. Hematology Automation, Flow Cell Cytometry, and Laboratory Procedures
20. Hematology Automation and Flow Cell Cytometry
21. Basic Procedures in a Hematology Laboratory (Test Bank NOT available for chapter 21)