
The Psychology of Attitudes and Attitude Change 3rd Edition Maio TEST BANK

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Test Bank for The Psychology of Attitudes and Attitude Change 3rd Edition By Gregory R. Maio, Bas Verplanken, Geoffrey Haddock, ISBN: 9781526425836


The Psychology of Attitudes and Attitude Change 3rd Edition Maio TEST BANK

Test Bank for The Psychology of Attitudes and Attitude Change 3rd Edition By Gregory R. Maio, Bas Verplanken, Geoffrey Haddock, ISBN: 9781526454140, ISBN: 9781526425843, ISBN: 9781526425836

PART I: Why Do Attitudes Matter?
Chapter 1: What are Attitudes and How are They Measured?
Chapter 2: The Three Witches of Attitude

PART II: What Do Attitudes Do?
Chapter 3: The Influence of Attitudes on Information Processing and Behavior
Chapter 4: How Do Attitudes Influence Behavior?

PART III: What Shapes Attitudes?
Chapter 5: Cognitive Influences on Attitudes
Chapter 6: Affective Influences on Attitudes
Chapter 7: Behavioral Influences on Attitudes
Chapter 8: Basic Principles in How Attitudes are Shaped

PART IV: What More is There to Learn?
Chapter 9: The Internal World
Chapter 10: The External World
Chapter 11: An Eye to the Future